Our wide range of expertise means that we can install any new security system you need.

We’ll work with you so you understand what they do and how to use them, so that you’re confident in your choices. 


By alarming the perimeter and interior of your premises, you’ll be immediately notified if someone is on site when they shouldn’t be. 
We offer alarms that either sound a siren locally on unauthorised entry or send a signal out. Choose to be notified on your mobile, or have that signal sent to a local back to base monitoring centre, so they can take the appropriate action. Find out which option is right for you by contacting us today. 


Our intercoms let you see and speak to the people at your gate or front door requesting entry, and buzz them in at your discretion, through a touch-screen monitor or through your mobile. 

Reach out to us today to figure out which of our intercom systems is right for your situation. 


Having 24/7 live or recorded video feed is a sure fire ensure you know what’s going on in your office or your home at any time. 

See what’s happening at your office while at home, or what’s happening at your home while at the office – inquire about our user friendly CCTV Systems to secure your peace of mind.


Installing an MATV system allows you to process or amplify multiple TV or FM signals, as well as send the information in those signals to one central location. 

MATV systems are essential for large buildings – our experts can design and install an SMATV/MATV System to suit your requirements. 
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